Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Visiting with Vicki

Vicki Alvey will be attending the Western KY book expo in Sturgis, Ky to promote her book The Adventures of Baxter B. Ballyhoo! It is a book about a very spirited boy in the 2nd grade and the adventures he gets into. The expo is at the end of October. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Visiting with Vicki

Visiting with Vicki

Just checking in

Well, I got the kids in school. It certainly is quiet around this house...as quiet as a house can be with 1 spirited Sheltie dog and 3 cats all needing my attention. I am busy enough, don't get me wrong. It's just that I still feel like I need to check in with someone before I leave the house, fix a meal, etc. I guess I went from being overwhelmed this year to being underwhelmed!
My second book signing is Saturday, September 10 at Barnes and Noble. The Adventures of Baxter B. Ballyhoo! has done very well. The feedback from the kids at school has really tickled me! If you find yourself looking for something to do on the 10th, I'd love to sign a book for you!
My prayers go to all of the people affected by the hurricane; I can only try to imagine their despair. They will need our prayers for many months to come!
Have a good week. The next time I write I'll try to have something interesting ot witty to say! Vicki