Monday, July 25, 2005

I've been tagged by Perri

What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago Today? I really don't know what I was doing then...I'm not sure I know what I'm doing today! I would assume it would be something with my kids. Ballgame, taking them somewhere, going swimming. The best days of my life were playing with my kids. What Were You Doing 1 year Ago Today? I was probably caring for my ill mother. Her condition took up a lot of my time, but I don't regret it for a minute. I'd give anything to be able to do it for her again!What Were You Doing Yesterday? I swam in our pool after a long afternoon nap. I needed the nap because we ate at Stoll's Black Buggy after church and I was very full and sleepy. The long nap caused me not to be able to sleep well so I stayed up late reading Harry Potter.( I highly recommend the series!)What Are You Doing Today? I did the never-ended laundry thing, played cards with my daughter, Sam, more laundry, played host to Perri and her 4 kiddos in my pool, , fixed supper, read more Harry Potter, and computered. I'm really not as much of a lady of leisure as this sounds! I've worked myself stupid this summer. This is my more more more work! ( I'm in a fetal position in the corner rocking as I declare this!)What Are You Doing Tomorrow? My hubby will be off so I'm not sure. I had planned a bonding day with Sammy, pedicures, eyebrow waxing, eating chinese, buying college supplies. I am going to miss her so much when she goes off to IU this fall!5 Snacks I Enjoy? Popcorn, cereal,chocolate, pork rinds, sunflower seeds 5 Bands/Singers I know the Lyrics to most of their Songs Simon and Garfunkle, Donny Osmond(some things never change) Many broadway musicals, many Christian songs, many oldies. Things I Would Do with $1,000,000,000 I would pay off our bills, see to the kid's education, set aside money for grandchildren's education, help the needy, church, GO ON A CRUISE BABY! 5 Locations You Would Run Away To A beach house on the ocean, a chalet in the mountains, anywhere my family is, anywhere that was important to my hubby, GO ON A CRUISE BABY!5 Bad Habits You Have: eating too much, talking too much, talking too loud(because I don't hear well I tend to talk loud), worrying too much about what people think, being late. 5 Things You Like - My family, my friends, my pets, working with kids, My hubby 5 Things You would never wear in public: a bikini, a short shirt that lets your belly hang out, loooooow rise jeans that show belt overhang and butt crack, tight clothes , and vulger language shirts( althought i do proudly wear my BITE ME shirt from Joes's Crab Shak.) 5 Movies You Like: Mad, Mad, Mad World, Pink Panther movies, Dirty Dancing, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars 5 Famous People You'd Like to Meet - don't know 5 Biggest Joys - spending time with my familyand friends, writing, teaching,,laughing, church

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