Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Long time no Blog

Life gets hectic for me at this time every year. I have 2 kids that I get ready for back to school( even college kids need new jeans and backpacks) as well as I go back to work after a well-deserved break for the summer. I think it takes me longer to get adjusted to the early wake up than it does for my students! My husband sometimes has a brain fart and will say the dumbest things. For example, he thought it would be a good idea to practice getting up early the week before school started. Let me think about it for a while... ummmmm NO! He's a really smart guy, but he missed the boat on that one!
It has really been too hot to go back to school this early! Have you ever walked down a crowded hall after noon recess with 90 hot, sweaty, kids? There is nothing like the smell! ( I like it when you are talking to them and they actually sling sweat on you!) Dodge ball quickly turns to slaughter ball as they get ho and grouchy.
I probably would not have sat down to blog since this is our"Meet the Teacher" night at school and I have to go back to work later, but I have been nagged by someone who shall remain nameless (Perri) and I certainly wouldn't want to offend anyone (Perri) by ignoring my site! I will try to update my blog on a routine basis in order to keep (Perri's) hateful messages from haunting me. Again, I think it is important not to mention any specific names(Perri) in regard to this portion of my blog.
My book sales are going pretty well. Remember, Baxter would make a great gift for some young reader! ( That was my ciommercial!) The Boonville Standard came to school and did an interview about my book and took my picture. I don't think I broke the camera, but she took several pictures...hopefully there will be one where the chins don't take over the picture!