Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Visiting with Vicki

Vicki Alvey will be attending the Western KY book expo in Sturgis, Ky to promote her book The Adventures of Baxter B. Ballyhoo! It is a book about a very spirited boy in the 2nd grade and the adventures he gets into. The expo is at the end of October. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Visiting with Vicki

Visiting with Vicki

Just checking in

Well, I got the kids in school. It certainly is quiet around this house...as quiet as a house can be with 1 spirited Sheltie dog and 3 cats all needing my attention. I am busy enough, don't get me wrong. It's just that I still feel like I need to check in with someone before I leave the house, fix a meal, etc. I guess I went from being overwhelmed this year to being underwhelmed!
My second book signing is Saturday, September 10 at Barnes and Noble. The Adventures of Baxter B. Ballyhoo! has done very well. The feedback from the kids at school has really tickled me! If you find yourself looking for something to do on the 10th, I'd love to sign a book for you!
My prayers go to all of the people affected by the hurricane; I can only try to imagine their despair. They will need our prayers for many months to come!
Have a good week. The next time I write I'll try to have something interesting ot witty to say! Vicki

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Long time no Blog

Life gets hectic for me at this time every year. I have 2 kids that I get ready for back to school( even college kids need new jeans and backpacks) as well as I go back to work after a well-deserved break for the summer. I think it takes me longer to get adjusted to the early wake up than it does for my students! My husband sometimes has a brain fart and will say the dumbest things. For example, he thought it would be a good idea to practice getting up early the week before school started. Let me think about it for a while... ummmmm NO! He's a really smart guy, but he missed the boat on that one!
It has really been too hot to go back to school this early! Have you ever walked down a crowded hall after noon recess with 90 hot, sweaty, kids? There is nothing like the smell! ( I like it when you are talking to them and they actually sling sweat on you!) Dodge ball quickly turns to slaughter ball as they get ho and grouchy.
I probably would not have sat down to blog since this is our"Meet the Teacher" night at school and I have to go back to work later, but I have been nagged by someone who shall remain nameless (Perri) and I certainly wouldn't want to offend anyone (Perri) by ignoring my site! I will try to update my blog on a routine basis in order to keep (Perri's) hateful messages from haunting me. Again, I think it is important not to mention any specific names(Perri) in regard to this portion of my blog.
My book sales are going pretty well. Remember, Baxter would make a great gift for some young reader! ( That was my ciommercial!) The Boonville Standard came to school and did an interview about my book and took my picture. I don't think I broke the camera, but she took several pictures...hopefully there will be one where the chins don't take over the picture!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bonding with my daughter before college

I had a great day with my 18 year old daughter today. We went and got our brows waxed...ouch....and I got nails and she got a pedicure. We ate chinese food, got ice cream, shopped for school supplies, etc. She had a great time; I got the privilege of buying it all for her. Funny how it keeps working out that way! Really, we did enjoy our day. It won't be long until she's off to college. She gets pretty annoyed because she is about to go to college, but they still give her a children's menu and charge her for a child's buffet because she looks so young. One day she will be thankful for the youth! I used to get aggravated if someone carded me; now I will give them money! Even a pity ID check would be ok. Last time I asked if they needed to see my ID, they snickered and told me that it wouldn't be necessary. Hey, how much trouble would it have been to humor me on it?

Monday, July 25, 2005

I've been tagged by Perri

What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago Today? I really don't know what I was doing then...I'm not sure I know what I'm doing today! I would assume it would be something with my kids. Ballgame, taking them somewhere, going swimming. The best days of my life were playing with my kids. What Were You Doing 1 year Ago Today? I was probably caring for my ill mother. Her condition took up a lot of my time, but I don't regret it for a minute. I'd give anything to be able to do it for her again!What Were You Doing Yesterday? I swam in our pool after a long afternoon nap. I needed the nap because we ate at Stoll's Black Buggy after church and I was very full and sleepy. The long nap caused me not to be able to sleep well so I stayed up late reading Harry Potter.( I highly recommend the series!)What Are You Doing Today? I did the never-ended laundry thing, played cards with my daughter, Sam, more laundry, played host to Perri and her 4 kiddos in my pool, , fixed supper, read more Harry Potter, and computered. I'm really not as much of a lady of leisure as this sounds! I've worked myself stupid this summer. This is my rebellion...no more work...no more work...no more work! ( I'm in a fetal position in the corner rocking as I declare this!)What Are You Doing Tomorrow? My hubby will be off so I'm not sure. I had planned a bonding day with Sammy, pedicures, eyebrow waxing, eating chinese, buying college supplies. I am going to miss her so much when she goes off to IU this fall!5 Snacks I Enjoy? Popcorn, cereal,chocolate, pork rinds, sunflower seeds 5 Bands/Singers I know the Lyrics to most of their Songs Simon and Garfunkle, Donny Osmond(some things never change) Many broadway musicals, many Christian songs, many oldies. Things I Would Do with $1,000,000,000 I would pay off our bills, see to the kid's education, set aside money for grandchildren's education, help the needy, church, GO ON A CRUISE BABY! 5 Locations You Would Run Away To A beach house on the ocean, a chalet in the mountains, anywhere my family is, anywhere that was important to my hubby, GO ON A CRUISE BABY!5 Bad Habits You Have: eating too much, talking too much, talking too loud(because I don't hear well I tend to talk loud), worrying too much about what people think, being late. 5 Things You Like - My family, my friends, my pets, working with kids, My hubby 5 Things You would never wear in public: a bikini, a short shirt that lets your belly hang out, loooooow rise jeans that show belt overhang and butt crack, tight clothes , and vulger language shirts( althought i do proudly wear my BITE ME shirt from Joes's Crab Shak.) 5 Movies You Like: Mad, Mad, Mad World, Pink Panther movies, Dirty Dancing, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars 5 Famous People You'd Like to Meet - don't know 5 Biggest Joys - spending time with my familyand friends, writing, teaching,,laughing, church

Saturday, July 23, 2005

On getting older...

When we are young we can't wait until we get old enough to... bla bla bla. We want to be able to make our own decisions, go where we want to when we want to, wear what we want to, and so on and so forth. Well, I've been giving this aging thing some serious thought lately. It is not nearly as great as it was cracked up to be, although I suppose it does beat the alternative.
Remember how we used to snicker and make rude remarks about our "elders" when they had to hold things half way across the room to read it ? The eyesight has started to play its hateful little tricks on me. Remember the joy we felt as youngsters when we were allowed to stay up late? Now we are filled with joy at the thought of an early bedtime...perhaps tucked into our cosy bed enjoying one of the episodes of CSI. Our clothes? Skin tight and every fad used to be a must! I have found that as of late stretch fabric and baggy RULES!
When we were young, we were invincible! We had no worries that our family or loved ones would not be there forever. As we age, we are faced with situations that we never thought would happen to US. I have lost people who were a part of my life, a part of ME. The loss of my mother was the most difficult thing I have ever faced and continue to face on a daily basis. When I think that there are plenty more situations to be faced with people who are dear to me, I could easily think what is the point of getting close to anyone or loving anyone if they are just going to be taken away? The answer to that one is simple. Every person who touches your life is a gift from God. Guess what? You are a gift to someone else too!( pretty awesome huh)
Some of us are a little prettier wrapped than others.LOL I need to concentrate on enjoying my friends and loved ones instead of worrying what is going to happen in the future. I need to make wonderful memories with them now.
I still fight the aging. I dye my hair(frequently) I use age-fighting lotions, and I don't wear my glasses in public. But, like I said at the beginning...aging beats the alternative!

Friday, July 22, 2005

This blog setup has been confusing!

My friend has been teaching me how to blog...it has not been an easy journey! I'm about as dumb as a post when trying new things with a computer. I had to get out my glasses, pull up an extra chair for her as she gestured and groaned at my attempts, and I am contemplating taking a nerve pill! I know I should not be intimidated by a computer, but when it does some wacky thing that I did not tell it to do I tend to freak out. Perri weathered it pretty well. The groans contained not words that must be edited and she only pulled her hair 2 or 3 times. Now she says I'm good to go...we'll see.

I am a published author...yeah!!

I want to invite all fellow Bloggers to check out my children's book that was just published. This is a first endeavor and I am really excited to share my dream with everyone.