Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th to all! We celebrated this holiday with family and friends at our house. We built boats to be raced in our pool, had a patriotic costume judging, and ate festive food. Our food was required to have patriotic names or themes or the person contributing that dish would be taunted and then shunned by everyone. ( It was touch and go with Perri for a while, but she eventually caved in under the pressure and named her food with names befitting the occasion.) We had Constitution corn on the cobb, Taxation without representation trifle, Star spangled spuds, American Revolution cannonball meatballs, Sons of Liberty slaw, Patriotic fortune cookies complete with patriotic trivia, flag jello, Boston baked beans, ect. ect. ect. It was a fun day!
We swam, watched near-death slip and slide examples ( I tried it 2 times...I hit the ground so hard on my stomach that my breasts now are pushed through to my back!) raced our homely boats, and played hillbilly golf. Just being together with our loved ones made it a delightful day. We all had to work at this fun day though. Samantha and Andi were sick with already established sinus infections, Perri woke up puny, I am in the midst of passing a kidney stone that must be the size of a boulder, Autis was not his usual full of poo self, Meagan hurt her leg on the above mentioned slip and slide. Anyone not having an ailment were free ( and encouraged) to be eaten up by assorted flying insects!
We had planned on going to watch fireworks, but Mother Nature had other ideas. Instead, I had a nap in the evening .
I dedicate this blog to my deceased brother, Billy, who lost his life in 1969 in Vietnam. It was on July 3rd( the 4th in our country) that he gave the ultimate sacrifice. His dedication, and others who have given their all for our country to enjoy freedom are what this holiday is all about. God bless all soldiers, past and present, as well as their families.

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