Monday, July 09, 2007

A Little Idle Chit-Chat

There's not a whole lot of things happening at the Alvey household right now. My hubby took an unexpected business trip to Puerto Rico. He really doesn't like to travel without the family, but it is a short trip and hopefully worthwhile. I told him to call me if he gets lonely...stay away from any Puerto Rican babe he might encounter!
I am going to start the reread of Harry Potter # 6 so I'll be ready for the new book when it comes out in 2 weeks...I can't wait! I get the events mixed up of what happened in what book. Sam keeps me straight. Harry Potter gets a lot of bad press because of magic, sorcery,etc. but is it really any different than Snow White, Cinderella, or Sleeping Beauty? Good triumphs over evil. I guess it is all a matter of perspective.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are not a hyper-sensitive mother who wants to protect me from the most ridiculous of things, like books. I heart Harry.

Fatcat said...

I love the Harry Potter books too. They're just good fiction.