Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Funny Games are the Best!

Samantha and I have been playing a funny game for months now...and it never fails to get me tickled! We have some little plastic dinosaurs that we hide in unexpected places to scare each other. Down in the bed under the covers never gets old. When you get into bed after a long tiring day and slide your legs under the covers....aaaahhhhhhh! Then the giggles start.
Samantha changed the game slightly a while back. She has a creepy little cut-out of a leprechaun that she hid to scare me. Not to be out-done, I made leprechaun into a life size figure and put it in her bed to scare the begees out of her. To top it off, I taped Harry Potter glasses on his face. I had great success with that prank!
Now, whenever he turns up he still wears the Harry Potter glasses.
Last night he made an unexpected appearance in my medicine cabinet. First, I went and got my insulin out of the fridge. Tucked cozily in the box was a little dinosaur that was wedged in tightly, keeping the insulin from coming out of the box. As I stuck my fingers inside the box to see why it would not come out, it poked my unsuspecting finger with its spikes. Aaaaaahhhhhh! Giggle Giggle! after we had a good laugh about it, I bid Sam a good night and proceeded into my bathroom medicine cabinet to take the rest of my nightly medicine. When I opened the cabinet...Leprechaun fell out on me. Aaaaaahhhhhh! Giggle Giggle!
As I'm recovering from that I reach over to get my glass to fill with water to take my medicine and there was another dinosaur in it! Aaaaaaahhhhh! Giggle Giggle!
Sam certainly was busy yesterday. She had planned on me being a creature of habit and was successful in all 3 pranks. I will get her back. She knows it and that is what makes our game so fun. This is just one example of why I miss her so much when she goes back to college.
I will prolly send Denny (the toy dino that i sent with her on vacation. She sent pictures of him through her phone of him sight-seeing)just to keep me caught up on things as well as a little entertainment. Now...where can I hide that leprachaun?

1 comment:

MEAGAN said...

Found a cool blog about diabetes. This article talks about the gila monster medicine. Thought you might be interested! Just copy and paste the link.