Thursday, July 26, 2007

The world's most boring blog!

I've been waiting for a few days to blog because I thought by then surely I would have something worthwhile to blog...WRONG! I stay busy, but I can't say doing what. A typical day of mine consists of doing stuff all day, but nothing really gets done. Example: When I get up I make my bed. I go to take my medicine, but I see how awful my hair looks so I have to tame it before I walk outside in the real world to take the dog out. I take Buddy out for his potty. I fill up his food and water and think that I should do it for the cats as well. I decide I might as well go ahead and sift the cat box so I go to the kitchen to get the new litter. While in the kitchen, I see that the table needs to be cleaned off. I grab an armful of stuff to take to their proper places. As I reach the bathroom I notice that I need to start a load of towels. I gather them up and stuff them in the washer and see that I'm out of detergent so I head back to the kitchen to get the new bottle. While I'm in there I decide i should test my blood before I take my medicine. As I finish up that task, I can't bear to look at the remains of last night's pots and pans that have been soaking. I finish the pans, then see that my counters are a mess. How can this be? I straightened them after supper last night! As I work on that, the dog has to potty again. While outside I straighten up the deck furniture and decide to water my plants. That brings on a game of dog vs. hose. Buddy loves to be squirted! Now the dog is wet and must dry out a little before we continue our chores. I sit for a while until I feel the need to talk to my neighbors who ply me with bounty from their garden. I go inside and plop them on my counter and pick up where I left off straightening them. I spy my blood tester and quickly head over to it, but am distracted by what I need to get out of the freezer for supper. I grab my new handy-dandy LIVING HOPE COOKBOOK and peruse through it for a tasty dish for my family. After picking a recipe I find that I need a few ingredients. I go comb my hair and put on some make-up in case I see some of my students at the store. While cleaning up, I remember my medicine. I gobble all 12 pills in one gulp (yes, I said all 12) and go to the kitchen for the elusive blood tester. After doing that, I have to eat something or my pills will make me sick and then I'll be done for the day. While my bagel is toasting, I get the laundry going. I can't go to the store now now because I don't leave my washer/dryer on while I'm not in the house. (Bad experience one time) Maybe I'll vacuum the living room. I probably should sweep the kitchen first. Hey, there's the kitty litter...better do that first. Anyway, you see what I'm talking about. It got too late to go to the store for my supper ingredients so we had whatever I could fix quickly. My laundry got tumbled 3 times before I was able to unload it wrinkle free. I go from room to room never quite finishing anything. But, on the good side of things, my family is great. They would rather me go out and do something fun than me to worry that I didn't get the floor vacuumed. Hamburgers and tater tots are ok. We can always scoot the clutter over on the kitchen counter over a little more when kind friends share their garden with us. ( praise be to green tomatoes) I guess what I am trying to say is I don't always get caught up in details. Things get done eventually. Some days I don't even try...yesterday I left the house with the intention of playing at a friend's house all day. Funny, I got more done when I got home than I did the previous day when I was home all day. Go figure that one!


MEAGAN said...

I do all my chores in the 30 minutes it takes Mike to get home from work just so it doesn't look like I've been lazy all day. Little does he know that I am bwahahahaaha!

Staci said...

LOL...I feel ya Vicki! I try not to get caught up in the details either, but I do find that when I'm in a rush to get things done, they get done easier than when I've had all day!! Contrary to Meagan, I think my hubby DOES know I've been lazy all day and for some weird reason still loves me anyway! :)

Perri said...

"Hey, a good game of Boggle will motivate you every time"....said the friend.

Anonymous said...

You sound like me, Vicki!! Sometimes I'm distracted and sometimes I just hurt, either way my plans always seem to get foiled.

Andi said...

Yeah, if they made a pill for housecleaning a.d.d.- I'd totally be on it too. (Said the girl who just did a weeks worth of laundry that she was "getting to" all week.) Ugh.

Anonymous said...

time to post

Heidi Kellems said...

****YAWN**** Didn't even post about the first day of school Mrs. Alvey OH MY WORD!!!

Perri said...

Happy anniversary!

Heidi Kellems said...

Hope your anniversary was wonderful :D

Expert Decisions said...

what are the secrets of happy married life ?